Have you ever been frustrated because another month ended and you didn’t accomplish your Bible-reading goals? Maybe you decided to read the New Testament or a specific book of the Bible and when the month ended your bookmark (whether real or digital) was still in the same place. Here are four tips that will assist you in your journey to be more consistent in your devotional life.
1. Set a Specific Goal
This one is huge. Just saying you’re going to read the Bible daily isn’t enough. How much or how long will you read? Without specifics, you don’t know whether or not you’re accomplishing your goals. Make a monthly plan and stick to it. This way, you can easily track your progress as time moves forward.
2. Attach Your Goal to a Calendar
I discovered that if I read nine chapters of the New Testament a day until I finish Acts, and eight chapters a day thereafter, I will read the New Testament in a month. To make it easier on myself, I created a reading schedule and posted it on my phone’s calendar app. (e.g. August 1st: Matthew 1-9. August 2nd: Matthew 10-18, etc.)
By doing this, I never have to wonder where I left off or what my daily goal is. Let’s be honest, anything that adds work to accomplishing a habitual goal also creates a higher chance that you won’t finish it. Divide your proposed reading plan by thirty and attach it to a calendar.
3. Attach Your Goal to a Daily Event
For example, I like to take a one-hour walk each day when I’m not traveling. During that uninterrupted hour, I listen to the Bible through an app on my phone. Maybe you have a twenty-minute commute to work or you’re a stay-at-home mom and give your child a nap in the afternoon. Consistently attach your goal to that event and you’ll be much more likely to accomplish it.
4. Attach Your Goal to a Friend
Another wonderful way to stay on track is to invite a friend to join you in your Bible reading plan. Now you have someone who will keep you accountable to your schedule. Not to mention, a fellow believer with whom you can fellowship and discuss the Word of God.
By doing these four things, you will dramatically increase the likelihood that at the end of the month your devotional goals will be complete. Never forget that the Word of God is fuel for freedom in every area of your life (John 8:32). If you haven’t already, make a plan to read more than you ever have. Stay hungry. God will bless you.
If you enjoyed this post, I know you’ll really appreciate my recent podcast episode, 5 Vital Facts You Must Know About Your Bible.
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Love this!! So very helpful. As a Christian Coach goal setting is an important skill I find many of my clients need help with. Once they understand the power and benefits of it, they are surprised by how much they can achieve.